
Sir William Bragg Building, University of Leeds

Client : University of Leeds
Value : £5m
Location : Leeds
Time : 3 Years

Scope of work

  • Enabling and site set up
  • HV diversion
  • Basement construction including liner walls and full waterproofing
  • Under slab and site wide drainage
  • Upper floor structural toppings
  • Site wide services and incoming to new building
  • Hard landscaping works including street furniture
  • Decommission and make good following completion
  • Laboratory standard clean room with anti-vibration plinths for equipment to sit on
  • Deep basement with substantial support beams
  • Paving and landscaping the front entrance and concrete benches
  • Full Sika Waterproof design installed
  • 2 Geo-cellular attenuation tanks installed 112m3 and 15m3
  • 2 foul water pumping stations
  • Constructing a capping beam averaging 330kg/m3 of reinforcement to the building
  • Full diversion of existing HV, Data and Steam mains around the proposed building for the university prior to the main works going ahead
  • Structural improvement works to the basement and roof of the existing Old Mining Building to allow additional levels to be installed above
  • 450t of reinforcement and 3,400m3 concrete poured.